18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks

Total weight gain: -40 no gain and no loss

Maternity clothes? Nothing needed yet

Sleep: Crazy, crazy crazy dreams. I wake up a lot and I had to buy a body pillow to help my back.

Best moment this week: Hearing that I am measuring perfectly from the OBGYN and getting our crib and glider.

Movement: Not sure, everything I read said little flutters or bubbles is the first sign of movement and I have felt those things I think.

Gender: We will find out in 13 days!!

Labor Signs: Nope.

Belly Button in or out? Still in.

What I miss: uninterrupted sleep.

What I am looking forward to: My mom getting here tonight!

Weekly Wisdom: When you are shopping in a crib store do not take the only set of fabric swatches on an extended tour of the place. You are not the only pregnant person looking for a chair. (This was not us, but another couple we had to wait on to get the stupid fabric swatches)

Milestones: ummmmm. I can tell my belly is popping out a little. It is pretty neat! Still to little to tell I am pregnant though.

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